Our mission

(Christine Grand Favre in the Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia)


Born in Switzerland, Christine has been living abroad for more than 20 years. She spent 4 years in Bolivia where she worked as a marketing manager for a local weaving cooperative of women. During that time, she was confronted to artisans that struggled to live in decent conditions. Within this organization, her objective was to promote their creations through a sustainable development approach.


  • Create jobs

We have imagined ALWA Design & Fair Trade as an ethical platform aiming at creating bridges between the Northern and Southern hemispheres. Our goal is to select and promote unique products handmade by talented artisans from around the world, while preserving and protecting the cultural heritage of southern countries.

Through ALWA, we guarantee a fair trade income to each artisan that collaborates to the production of the handmade goods we propose. Nowadays, a lot if South America population still lives under the poverty line, your involvement through your purchase has a concrete and beneficial impact.

  • Guarantee a fair wage

During each one of our trip, we make a point to meet personally each local artisan we partner with.

We also make sure that each person involved in the creation of the products we promote does receive a fair wage and a decent life.

With your purchase, you contribute to improve the condition of living of our artisans and their family as well as the sustainable development of their community.

  • Prevent urbanization

In Bolivia where our scarves are made, the llama breeders we met live in Quetena, a remote area of South Lipez. The spinning company that provide the yarns is based in Tupiza and the cooperative of women weavers in small villages around La Paz.

Alwa is proud to support local crafts while preserving traditions and cultural heritage and prevent rural exodus.

  • Support women’s empowerment

In many countries, violence against women is still sadly very widespread. By giving them the opportunity to work and earn a decent income, we help these women get a more secure life and gain independence.

  • Preserve ecosystem and local environment

In this part of the world where climate change is important, we guarantee the sustainable use of natural resources to create the unique products we propose. 


Thank you to our lead sponsor Agon Partners and to our contributors
who believe in our project and support our mission.
If you want to be a part of our adventure, please contact us.